Robert Herder
Windmühlenmesser Solingen
Windmühlenmesser: Since the beginning of time, knife maker Robert Herder has produced blades of remarkable quality and form. The basis that keeps us able to recognize and value the traditional Solingen craft trades today is our positive attitude toward craftsmanship. It gives us the justification for wanting to hold onto and preserve the knowledge that is still available.
We are confident that, compared to other knife manufacturers, our craftsmanship allows us to produce better, more meticulously made knives. "Good knives are made by hand" is our motto. An important factor is the craftsmanship of our fine-glaze and grinders, especially our "blue-glazed" grinders. To accomplish this work at the necessary quality, a significant deal of talent, patience, precision, and sound judgment are needed.
Other categories in Knives & accessories
Robert Herder
Windmühlenmesser Solingen
Windmühlenmesser: Since the beginning of time, knife maker Robert Herder has produced blades of remarkable quality and form. The basis that keeps us able to recognize and value the traditional Solingen craft trades today is our positive attitude toward craftsmanship. It gives us the justification for wanting to hold onto and preserve the knowledge that is still available.
We are confident that, compared to other knife manufacturers, our craftsmanship allows us to produce better, more meticulously made knives. "Good knives are made by hand" is our motto. An important factor is the craftsmanship of our fine-glaze and grinders, especially our "blue-glazed" grinders. To accomplish this work at the necessary quality, a significant deal of talent, patience, precision, and sound judgment are needed.